In addition to picking up my Shinkansen, I took the opportunity while at Hobbytech to get a few more unitrack pieces. I decided to replace my Minitrix tracks with Kato unitrack for my railway station layout. The reason behind this decision was the smoother operation of the Kato turnouts. My trains were derailing over the Minitrix turnouts and they often stopped at the unpolarized frog. The other reason was that the solenoids are fitted inside the Kato turnout whereas Minitrix have their solenoids sticking out on the side of the turnout. It's somewhat of an eyesore. Some people have mounted the solenoids upside down and covered them with ballast to hide them. The architectural style of the railway station layout does not permit the use of ballast. If you look closely at the photograph, you can see the wiring that connects the turnouts to the Kato switches. The wires will be strung through a hole in the table top directly under the unitrack so they will not be visible. As you may have surmised, the operation will be entirely DC. I still haven't converted to DCC yet. Speaking of which, only the #4 Kato turnouts are DCC friendly. The #6 turnout and the double cross-over require some re-wiring to get them DCC compliant.
Material rodante envejecido. Tranvía PCC
1 week ago