This is how my workbench typically looks. Most of my fellow modelers are much more tidy and organized. But out of chaos comes order. The kitchen renovations finished last month, which freed me up to work on my layout again. I finally got around to wiring up my DC power switching box. I actually got to use my soldering station and volt meter for the first time. My soldering skills were somewhat lacking at the beginning, but they got better near the end. Here's the final product. All the parts were purchased from Digi-Key. I'd definitely recommend them to anyone. Friendly service, great selection and reasonable shipping/brokerage fees.
I finally got to test my interchange module. Here's a video of the first run using my new power switch. I'm pretty happy with the results.
During setup, I discovered why Kato sells separate packages of rail joiners. As I was connecting and re-connecting track, the metal piece broke off a few of the rail joiners. You can see the missing metal piece in the track situated on the right side in the picture. Fortunately, I had purchased extra rail joiners and was able to replace them. The blue plastic is used to remove the joiner from the track. The reason for connecting and re-connecting the unitrack was that I had finished my platform for the city overhead station. The construction of this platform went fairly quick. However, I made it too long and consequently both ends of the platform were too close to the S curves. I had forgotten about clearance so when I ran my train through the station for the first time, it was rubbing against the corners of the platform. Boy did I feel dumb! So I had to shorten the platform and moved the S curves further away from the platform. A mitre box and hacksaw certainly came in handy for this, but it wasn't pretty.
Unfortunately, not all of my modeling is as successful as my platform doh! I also worked on the bridge module. I wanted to construct a contemporary looking arch for the bridge. I decided to use styrene tubes that I thought I could bend. The Evergreen styrene tubes only came in lengths of 24" so I extended them by placing an insert inside to connect two 24" lengths together. I thought that if I had a long enough insert I could bend the tube without fear of breaking. I remembered my platform arches had become brittle after applying solvent to them, but I thought I could avoid this problem with more plastic to reinforce the structure. How wrong I was. I applied some weight at the centre of the tube and used a hair dryer to warm up the styrene. As soon as the styrene became warm, it broke exactly at the spot where the solvent was applied. So it's back to the drawing board for the bridge. What with having to shorten the platform because I forgot about clearance and the shattered remnants of a bridge gone wrong, I was feeling pretty miserable. So I thought some retail therapy might cheer me up and picked up the Minitrix LINT train set. Despite some setbacks this month, I'm pretty happy with the progress I've made and I gained more knowledge about modeling. Hopefully this renewed interest in trains will continue through to December. Now if only I could figure out what to do about that damn bridge.
It was 1994 and I was working in Doha helping CGIS implement a nation wide GIS. My vacation was coming up and I had decided to head over to Europe instead of going back home for a visit. It was my first time traveling alone and my first visit to Europe. I was young and naive, which were two great characteristics to possess when experiencing new cultures. It certainly helped me to adjust to middle eastern ways for two and a half years. I arrived in Amsterdam with no itinerary and just an Eurorail pass in my hands. I journeyed from Amsterdam to Bruxelles to Paris to Lyon to Milano to Firenze to Verona to Venice to Vienna to Salzburg to München to Frankfurt to Köln and full circle back to Amsterdam. It was wonderful traveling across Europe by train. Sometimes I was unable to find accommodations so I slept in train stations, but enjoyed it nonetheless. That was back in the days when it was still safe to do so. That particular trip had a profound impact on me and was the catalyst for my interest in this hobby. My model trains help me to relive those wonderful memories of my first trip across Europe.