

I thought I had my Kato layout figured out, but I couldn't reconcile how to connect the ground track at the end of the station platform. It was troubling me as I didn't want to create a loop back to the station. I only wish that Kato had a 448mm radius curve track. It would have allowed me to have a dual track looping around the elevated tracks. I suppose I could use Minitrix flex track, but it would not match the Kato unitrack. Sitting up late one night, I opened up xtrkcad and started brainstorming. I came up with a different layout reusing the 744mm x 302mm plywood table tops I already had cut. The new layout still has a long viaduct section to run my ICEs at speed. The new layout is a little shorter than the previous design. The only criticism I have about this latest design is the symmetry. However I think I can disguise the symmetry with appropriate landscaping. I still have more unitrack parts on order. That's why the track isn't complete.

Layout #3

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