I don't think I noticed what a nice job you did on the sides of the platforms...excellent work!
My platforms, for the time being, is just a very large surface layer. I'll need to add in the bottom/sides to get it elevated to door height somehow...I haven't decided how I'll do that. In fact, I'm not totally decided on what I'm going to do...my platform widths are about 33mm, which is a lot narrower than commercial kits so I'm not sure if this will look okay, but it seems to work with my track spacing. Anyway, I've got so many other things going on right now, the passenger terminal is probably going to wait until the new year before it gets much work done!
It was 1994 and I was working in Doha helping CGIS implement a nation wide GIS. My vacation was coming up and I had decided to head over to Europe instead of going back home for a visit. It was my first time traveling alone and my first visit to Europe. I was young and naive, which were two great characteristics to possess when experiencing new cultures. It certainly helped me to adjust to middle eastern ways for two and a half years. I arrived in Amsterdam with no itinerary and just an Eurorail pass in my hands. I journeyed from Amsterdam to Bruxelles to Paris to Lyon to Milano to Firenze to Verona to Venice to Vienna to Salzburg to München to Frankfurt to Köln and full circle back to Amsterdam. It was wonderful traveling across Europe by train. Sometimes I was unable to find accommodations so I slept in train stations, but enjoyed it nonetheless. That was back in the days when it was still safe to do so. That particular trip had a profound impact on me and was the catalyst for my interest in this hobby. My model trains help me to relive those wonderful memories of my first trip across Europe.
Nice train but... WOW! I love the platforms! They're looking great! :-)
Thanks Jerry. They're the same old platforms I had before I left for HK. BTW, how is your platforms coming along?
I don't think I noticed what a nice job you did on the sides of the platforms...excellent work!
My platforms, for the time being, is just a very large surface layer. I'll need to add in the bottom/sides to get it elevated to door height somehow...I haven't decided how I'll do that. In fact, I'm not totally decided on what I'm going to do...my platform widths are about 33mm, which is a lot narrower than commercial kits so I'm not sure if this will look okay, but it seems to work with my track spacing. Anyway, I've got so many other things going on right now, the passenger terminal is probably going to wait until the new year before it gets much work done!
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